SFT 1001       Commercializing Science and Technology

ECTS: 5.0

 Course coordinator: 

Michail Kaz, Professor, Institute of Economics and Management, misk3@mal.ru 

 Course objectives:

Understand how science-based research and technological inventions can be transformed into new business, either in the context of a start-up or in established companies

To foster an entrepreneurial spirit

 Full course description:

The course Commercializing Science & Technology aims to help you understand and master core challenges of turning science into products and ultimately operating businesses. In so doing, we will adopt a strongly entrepreneurial lens. That means, we will look at important technology commercialization activities through the eyes of a potential technology entrepreneur. One of the most important tasks entrepreneurs have to perform is to understand the full range of potential opportunities that can be created based on their technological competences and to what extent they have freedom to operate (IP) within chosen markets. However, the identification and validation of market opportunities is only the beginning. Successful technology commercialization also requires an understanding of the different business model options and how to structure market entry strategies such that they support moving along the technology learning curve and the diffusion of innovative products. Therefore, this course puts major emphasis on the entrepreneurial competencies, tools, and methodologies, as opposed to technological competences, in early-stage commercialization processes. The competencies you will acquire throughout this course will be extremely valuable whether you choose an entrepreneurial career or a career in managing technology in an established firm or within a public or private research lab.

 Teaching methods:

This course is taught through a combination of regular problem based learning, interactive case lectures and a field project that will challenge you to apply your newly acquired knowledge to realistic problem situations of technology entrepreneurs.

 Assessment methods:

Participation, Field project reports, Final presentation on field project, Class facilitation & topical presentations on entrepreneurial methodologies, mind sets, and tools.